Kirsten Kindler will be at Museum Bellerive in Zurich this fall!

ADA is so excited that our artist, Kirsten Kindler, has been included with the likes of Diana Cooper in an upcoming show titled, "Scherenschnitte – Kontur Pur ( Silhouettes – Pure Contour) " which runs from November 27 2009 – April 4 2010 at The Museum Bellerive in Zurich. Yea! 

about the Museum Bellerive: " As the home of the applied arts collection of the Zürich Museum of Design since 1968, Museum Bellerive has made an international name for itself as the leading Swiss museum of applied art - both in unique objects and limited series. A place of global communication, the Museum contributes to the intensive confrontation with contemporary currents in art and design through its exhibitions. Art handicrafts always form the main focus of the exhibitions, demonstrating the seismographic stocktaking of momentary conditions and the present relationship between art and design." 

If you're an ADA fan and you make it to the opening, I'll take you out for Raclette! We should probably have some beer too. seriously!


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