JUST MISSED: Aviv Benn at Future Fair 2021
Here are some images and info for Aviv Benn. We showed her work at the 2021 Future Fair in New York City September 9-12.
Artist Statement | Aviv Benn
My paintings are a visual universe starring symbolic archetypes that pop up and reappear time
and again, and together formulate the dreamlike world they inhabit. These colorful figures take
over the entire painterly space, encompassing their surroundings, dissolving and merging,
floating in an unknown limbo. I view painting as an act of compulsion and a ritualistic repetition of images, motifs and ornaments. Repeating the same imagery over numerous canvases, informs a narrative that stretches beyond the boundaries of a singular artwork; new relationships are woven together to build a vivid myth throughout my work. Each series of paintings explores another facet of the fictional world that acts as a distorted mirror of our existence, and each painting is an exploration of the limits of the medium itself. I start each painting with a colorful abstract gestural ground. Within this field of paint, I recognize metaphysical forms and define them, and those later compose the storytelling and imagery of each piece. I like to think of the painting process as a Rorschach ink-blot test; I inject meaning into ephemeral shapes that evolve into figures and images, which in turn dominate my stage-canvases. Once a piece is finished, viewers inject their own meaning into the work, so the painting remains a realm to conceive stories and project emotions.The sense of push-pull and disarray in the paintings is created by complex layers of transparent and opaque gestures made of oil, spray paint, pigments, oil pastels and wax medium. A painterly surface that is bodily and textured, reflecting the physicality of the viewer, yet it remains flat, an elusive dimension beyond our reach.
See more of Aviv Benn's works here!